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Old 09-28-2011, 02:22 PM   #103 (permalink)
why bother?
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Originally Posted by duga View Post
Alien 3 - Though the movie by itself is pretty entertaining and dark, it completely ruined the overall Alien storyline. The first two movies were PERFECT. The first was a classic thriller and the second movie's genius was that it provided complete closure for both Ripley and the audience. Alien 3 took everything that Aliens accomplished and just trashed it. The right direction for a third movie would have been to explore the origins of the aliens...who were the travelers who crashed into the planet? Alien Resurrection did what it could to salvage the Alien 3 damage, but it was just too severe.
I don't know about severe damage, but by killing off everyone that it did right at the start, I guess 3 was just destined to piss a whole lot of Aliens fans off. I'll admit it did really disappoint me on the first viewing anyway. As you say, the film itself is dark and entertaining, and spotting all the English character actors I know from TV among the prison's inmates was pretty fun too. The film did of course have a very troubled production and, frankly, it shows in the final product. All in all though, I think it suffers from Godfather 3 syndrome, as in it was never really going to live up to the standards of the two previous, universally-acclaimed installments in the franchise.

As for Resurrection, there's another fairly unpopular film I quite like too.

Originally Posted by duga View Post
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - Who the hell doesn't like the Temple of Doom? That movie kicks ass. Especially when comparing it ot the turd that is Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Kali maaaa
A lot of people I've spoken think it was the weakest Indy film by quite a least before Kingdom Of the Empty Skull came along anyway. Kate Capshaw and that bloody kid really piss me off to no end whenever I watch them but, c'mon, a guy gets his frikin' heart ripped out of his chest by a dude wearing horns - what's not to like?

That final scene with the rope bridge is brilliantly done too.

Originally Posted by duga View Post
Star Trek V - Yeah...there's not much I can say to defend this festering turd of a movie. I prefer pretending that it just doesn't exist. Yeah, they went straight to the Undiscovered Country.
I like it just because it's really OTT and campy. Definitely the weakest of the movies with the original cast though. If I had to rank the six of them...

Undiscovered Country > Wrath Of Khan > The Search For Spock > The Voyage Home > The Motion Picture > The Final Frontier

...with all those shitty TNG films below all of them.

Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post
Odd thing with Silent Hill. I really rated it a lot even after watching it a few times but just a couple of weeks ago I watched it for the first time in about 18 months and it bored me. However it has some fantastic set design, effects and it followed a lot of the original games a lot (although I never got around to playing them personally so not sure how this claim stacks up).
The sets are fantastic and perfectly capture the atmosphere and feel of the games.

It was still a really enjoyable film and all but, like Duga, I wish they could have made a movie from the Silent Hill 2 storyline, as it's nowhere near as confusing as the rest of the canon's story arc and yet endlessly open to individual interpretations as well. Would've been worth trying anyway.
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