So, there I was, thinking about how cool Prometheus is gonna be next year (surely), so I thought I'd watch these ol' chestnuts back-to-back again;

^ It's absolutely remarkable how well they both hold up to this day. And for anyone who doesn't know, the 2 1/2 hour-long director's cut of Aliens is a lot better than the theatrical one.
And I'm about to watch this;
^ I was just googling this title for a screenplay I'm doing to see if it's been taken or not already (it hasn't, as I'm sure you really wanted to know) and this film's imdb page came up. It stars Aaron 'Twoface/That Dude In
the Core' Eckhart and Helena Bonham Carter, and it's got a 7.0/10 rating on imdb - not bad for a film I'd never heard of before today.