Originally Posted by BastardofYoung
I try not think of things in terms of the best. Best for that paticular group, but not best over all. Like Nirvana I could probably say Dave Grohl was the best drummer. But I am not going to compare him to somebody like Dave Lombardo or Phil Collins even. Best to me just reflects how they did in their own rights and in relation to what they had to work for.
Could spend hours saying who is the best drummer, best guitarist or best whatever... but not come up with anything.
Sometimes "overrated" is a valid term, but 9 out of 10 times I find it is just used by people to say they do not like something. Just a way of saying, "I do not get it"..
That's the problem, though. Nobody is saying he's the 'best drummer for Led Zeppelin', the media construes him as 'the best drummer of all time'. In that sense, any drummer that universally acknowledged as the best of all time would inevitably be overrated.
Seeing his death celebrated 30 years post mortem is annoying. I mean, I like say Bela Bartok, but it'd be silly for me to go "RIP Bela Bartok".