Originally Posted by Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra
See, more of this elitist nonsense that contributes nothing to these forums.
Besides, the original topic that this came from has nothing to do with anyone's moral compass. It's the fact that it was brought from the grave for the 80th time where as any actual band based thread is lucky to have 5 replies before it does.
Maybe, the 'regs' left because:
A) There's way too little music discussion so we can't talk about that.
B) When we discuss non-music ideals we have a condescending head-hunting jackass who wishes to grind their opinions in the ground as patronizingly as possible. ****, maybe my original reply was patronizing but at least it was to the thread, not a blatant dig on another member. Then again, you're the noob-destroyer.
Wait a god damn minute. I'm arrogant. I just stumbled upon:
Originally Posted by Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra
Jazz Drummers > John Bonham.
That was your post. Thats all you ****ing said to someones tribute thread. I scare new people away?
You know I've bit my tongue for awhile but this place is a ****ing disgrace. A mod agreed with you on that one too. So in light of this, let me spill my guts about the mod team.
No saying anything when the forum starts to unravel is irresponsbile. Not publically realigning things, so people know there are rules, what they are, and how they should be interperted, is irresponsible. I don't really speak to any of you, so maybe you feel this way, but honestly I just don't get the plan sometimes. Theres no coherent message, and madness like this is allowed to run rampant.
No one here owes me anything. My time is over and frankly when I asked Yac to delete my account, I wish I hadn't been talked out of it. But new people come here a lot, theres a new crop of regulars. What must they think? For Ska Lagos to say I scare away new people, then make such a douchey post which was barely on topic, assanine, and elitist to the Nth degree is outlandish.
I'm done trying to make a ****ing difference. This place has driven me absolutely bat**** bonkers. I just look at everything that goes on and I wonder "does anyone give a **** anymore?" This place has become a playground for the bored and the boring.
If you read this, and you don't know any of the backstory then take this away from my post: If you're new here, don't use the shoutbox. Don't look for easy topics like Zeppelin, Sabbath, Tupac, and Lady Gaga. Go read the journals, they are a treasure trove of great new music and insightful commentary beyond the "i like them" one-liners that infect the regular threads and forums.