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Old 09-21-2011, 03:18 PM   #944 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheBig3 View Post
Oh jesus christ. If I had a nickle for every self-righteous clown on here who had a problem with me, I'd buy these ****ing forums and make them shine like a Franklin-****ing-dime.

There problem with people like Ska Lagos is they really feel like they've learned everything they ever could and they have such a brilliant handle on all subjects and their own morale compass.

The only thing I don't have time for is one-liner posts that do nothing to further discussion, OR (and this one is directed at you) people who attempt to shut down discussion through their own self-righteous morality they hope to impose on other members.

I happen to think you're fairly intelligent and intellectually curious enough. You'd be a damn good poster if you weren't so ****ing certain that your opinions were facts. God knows what sent you in here crying like an infant, but I'd love for you to cite an example of where I drove a new poster off.

And I'd love an example of anything you've contributed to the forums that doesn't involve a ridiculously pseudo-intellectual username.
I'm sorry but I think you effectively reinforced everything Ska just said. And really, an ad-hominem attack against his username? Really?
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