Originally Posted by chipper
but in within Asia (admittedly i dont know much about it although i should), is there no appreciation for the local sound? or are you saying there is no local sound?
we met with some Koreans last year and, for some reason, he believes that koreans have made it internationally. he kept on talking about kpop being embraced by hollywood. i was honestly weirded out. i don't know what world he's been living in but it is certainly a different one from where the West is.
yes there is a local sound but it's traditional music
there is no local sound in terms of mainstream genre - there is something we invented called 60s Metal - i dunno, sorta metallic British Invasion sound but only one band made it big with that sound, whose name escapes me at the moment
otherwise, it's a mish-mash of all sorts of other stuff - nothing original
there was this chick who had a hit in the States, Charlene or something, there was this other chick who was basically a flesh-peddlar, still trying to make it big in the States
our biggest export is Michelle Yeoh