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Old 09-19-2011, 10:25 PM   #923 (permalink)
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Where people kill 30 million pigs per year
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Veganism is back in the news due to Bill Clinton's switching to a fully plant-based diet to reverse his heart disease.

I meant to comment on Bill Clinton's dietary change earlier, but better late than never. Here's a good article about Clinton's health reasons for changing to a vegan diet:

Bill Clinton declares vegan victory -

Clinton says he was inspired to follow a low-fat, plant-based diet by several doctors, including Dean Ornish, author of Dr. Dean Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart Disease. Ornish has been working with Clinton as one of his consulting physicians since 1993.

After Clinton's angioplasty and stents in 2010, Ornish says he contacted the former president "and I indicated that the moderate diet and lifestyle changes he'd made didn't go far enough to prevent his heart disease from progressing, but our research proved that more intensive changes could actually reverse it," he says.

"Heart disease is a food-borne illness," says Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr., author of Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease. He's in a documentary about the benefits of a plant-based diet, Forks Over Knives, out next week on DVD. He advocates going "cold turkey from the typical fatty, meat-laden, dairy-rich Western diet" to this kind of plan.
I'm glad for Clinton that he got the knowledge and had the inspiration to make this dietary change.
Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"
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