Originally Posted by djchameleon
Carved: The Slit-mouthed Woman
Oddly enough, I was only just reading about this yesterday and thinking it sounded cool. Definitely on my to-do list then.
As for me;
Best horror comedy I've seen in ages, and it's good to watch a proper film after the rather lame streak of viewings I've been on lately. The gore was beautifully done, the action scenes superbly directed, the monsters very well-designed, there were some genuine laughs throughout, and frankly it's worth watching if only to see Henry Rollins swinging a machete around. Not bad at all for a film that basically recycles the plot for From Dusk 'til Dawn.
Judging by the trailers the sequels look absolutely atrocious, so I think I'll just pretend they don't exist (which makes it all even more similar to From Dusk 'til Dawn I suppose).