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Old 09-11-2011, 05:51 PM   #2884 (permalink)
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 3
Talking Music suggestions

Hey all how are you im new to this but i am actually looking for suggestions or just some songs that i may not of thought of . Looking for older later 80s through to today that are great to hear when your aat a party even better to dance to ranging from reggaton hip hop olld school club (lil suzy, stevie b , jhonny o etc.. For those who don't know any thing about it lo )soca , dancehall or whatever just has that sound it, that no matter what your doing or where your at or what kind of mood your in it all goes away and you just have to dance and smile maybe even get hyped up to just hit the town ..i appreciate all suggestions .. Thanks hmu
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