Music Banter - View Single Post - Guitar virtuoso's (Opinions on the World's current guitar giants)
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Old 08-26-2005, 03:16 AM   #18 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 8

i respect and envyous of the above mentioned guys that can fit a thousand notes into a song but great guitarist know that a few notes will do the job. ex. i saw dream theater and megadeath on the gigantour. i will listen to a band like dream theater when i read drive or plaing a game just to kept a good fluid sound going. but mid way through thier set i was board out of my mind you lose track of where the song begins and ends they last ten to fifteen mins. long that if your just trying to rock out you get bored. but when megadeath came on they where fast and to the points you know what song was what where the chorus and bridges where and was just a great set even though on that night was daves voice was going out. now i think most people will agree that both bands get down on a guitar but becuase megadeath isnt showing off they become more enjoyable
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