Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog
I still don't know what the question was, but as far as that Randy Rhodes -look-alike goes. I compare him to David Copperfeild. It looks impressive but its meer parlor tricks. I mean maybe he can play two guitars at once, but its not aurally impressive, its just visual games. And sweet God I hate his last name. Please don't ever put "****ING" anywhere near his name unless its followed by words witha negitive connotation.
who said he ever played 2 guitars?...dont make up something that isnt true...is rhoads instantly bad because hes a shreder?, not all shreders are bad...RR played fast but was still very tasteful when it came to constructing melodys, he played different scales and learned not to overuse them, add that he could play several other styles(like flamenco, as shown on
Dee)...technicaly he was very impressive, but unlike some others he also had the creativity to back it up...he didnt overdo it like batio does...check out the blizzard of ozz album or tribute...if you like metal then you will probably enjoy them like i have. =)