Originally Posted by Alec
I'm an advocate for free choice, providing you're able to support your choices without negatively affecting anybody else (working to fund drugs/alcohol rather than stealing) then you should be allowed to do what you like.
There have been some suggestions that the price of drugs would fall under a legalized system, even where taxation and other official stuff is taken into account. Simply, the high price of drugs often comes because a lot of drugs are seized (and the manufacturers and other people along the line have to fund their activities) before even being on the streets, and there's also the cost of bribes and other payments made to various people to ensure that the drugs get through the various stages of travel. Then there's the dealer's profit- this is why often dealers will cut drugs with something else- to maximize profits for themselves.
Legalizing them would do away with the need for bribes and other costs, and would allow for a fairer price for the growers and manufacturers. In essence, you could even see Fairtrade cannabis in the future!