Originally Posted by GeddyBass2112
Major problem for even atheists is that for a lot of people, God and the traditional ideas of heaven, hell, answered prayer, belief in sin and all the usual traditional ideas that come in the 'God package'. Even atheists cannot understand the idea of a God without all those other things attached.
But the belief in a God CAN exist without believing in prayer, the afterlife or anything else. Indeed, God doesn't need these ideas to exist.
I understand perfectly the type of deism that you subscribe to. My question is this: if you hold god to be an immutable and unchangeable constant in the equation of life, why not eliminate him/her/it from the equation altogether? Perhaps a god did create everything, but there is no evidence one way or the other. So why not stick to Occam's Razor and shave off the unnecessary bits? Why can't the laws of physics and the existence of the universe itself be the "end all be all", and why do they need a creator who is doomed to sit idly by for the rest of eternity?