Originally Posted by realtalk92
Well I love Michael Jackson but I try to be objective lol... I was more so disappointed with how Sony and the Estate handled the album. They pretty much dropped it before it could really take off.
They are going to release more material...at least up to 5-7 more albums according to the Estate but who knows... if they plan on handling the albums like how they did "Michael" it doesnt seem likely or that they will put much effort into it.
I think they will though but 7 albums might be exaggerating but then again who knows... I HOPE they do 
I think since the late 90's Michael's relationship with Sony soured, so it's almost like a continuation of them messing his stuff up.
7 albums...WOW that's a lot. I wonder if they actually have enough material, but then knowing how Michael would record loads of songs for each album there must be loads of finished tracks he didn't release. I've heard some unreleased tracks that were finished and I think those are good, so lets wait and see. I mainly want to hear the finished stuff, but I think I'd be alright with hearing more tracks other people finished after he died.
Interestingly I read the other day he was composing classical music and Jazz music before he died and with this guy called David Michael Frank and David said was it impressive stuff, but unfortunately it’s all unfinished.