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Thread: Michael Jackson
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Old 08-21-2011, 07:33 PM   #1239 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by _Nathan_ View Post
I’m sure the producers tried their best to do what they think Michael would have wanted done, but it’s impossible to know exactly what he would have wanted done. So ye maybe some are overproduced, but I like all the songs.

I think Much Too Soon is great to. That’s actually a song he finished while he was alive. I hear the version on the album was recorded when he was doing the History album, but he actually first recorded that track when he was making the Thriller album.

Do you think they should release anymore of his unreleased material?
Well I love Michael Jackson but I try to be objective lol... I was more so disappointed with how Sony and the Estate handled the album. They pretty much dropped it before it could really take off.

They are going to release more least up to 5-7 more albums according to the Estate but who knows... if they plan on handling the albums like how they did "Michael" it doesnt seem likely or that they will put much effort into it.

I think they will though but 7 albums might be exaggerating but then again who knows... I HOPE they do
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