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Old 08-16-2011, 05:53 AM   #13 (permalink)
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You really need to have a lot of money at your disposal if you're thinking about studying abroad, the fees will be sky high. Why study abroad when you can get free fees here, as well as a grant if you're living away from home and have no part-time job. Plus there's every type of course you can imagine here and getting into a course after you finish school is very little hassle. At the moment you should try and focus on what type of course you want to do, think of something you have a keen interest in and if there's a good job market in that area. Then look around the various colleges and universities and see if they have any courses that suit you, go to plenty of open days as well and pick up booklets and talk to people.

You can always go working abroad as well after you finish college, which is something I'm currently looking into at the moment.
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