So I'm guessing you are an American citizen, which means that you might get a domestic tuition rate (instead of an international rate), even if you do not have a mailing address in the US. At least that was my experience when I was looking at universities a few years ago - I was born in Detroit but I have Canadian citizenship as well because my mom was born here.
As far as finding information on schools, they all have websites you can visit. I think it may come down to what state or even what city you'd like to study in for 4 years, as well as your budget for tuition and the grades you got in high school (or whatever the equivalent is over there). Keep in mind that the Ivy League schools (like Harvard, Yale, Brown, etc -
Ivy League - Wikipedia), although they have outstanding programs in business and such, tend to have very high tuition prices, and stricter guidelines for admittance.
I'm in Canada, so I'm not too sure about what the best schools are for what you'd like to study. But I do know that there are plenty of excellent colleges and universities in the US and it's just a matter of budget and where you'd like to live, like I said before.