Originally Posted by djchameleon
Unhygenic? Really? Soap and water plus deodorant works fine.
There is nothing wrong with armpit hair on women.
Its not like they are going around flashing it.
I'm not advocating shaving as an alternative to washing, but shaving reduces the area that bacteria has to grow when you sweat through a day. And without the hair getting in the way, more deoderant gets onto your skin which reduces the chances of getting body odour before you next get a chance to shower. Try it, shave under yourams and then wash and tell me you dont feel much, much cleaner at the end of the day.
And there is no way that a shaved armpit doesnt look more aesthetically pleasing than a hairy one. There may not be anything 'wrong' with it, but to me the positives of removing it far outweight the positives of keeping it.