Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA
IMO, the best and most desirable traits of a man have nothing to do with hair or his body's appearance at all. I feel the same about women.
And is it "masculine" to be afraid of or threatened by a woman's body hair? Isn't "masculine" supposed to mean strong, non-petty, and protective, rather than weak, nit-picky, and dominating? What *is* masculine?
Afraid of? Threatened? I just think it's ugly and masculine, in the same way that women with big muscles and deep voices are. And yes, that does sound masculine. Are you saying I'm not masculine because I find women with body hair completely unattractive? I found this interesting:
Cambridge University zoologist Charles Goodhart believed men have long preferred the "hairless trait" in women, ever since the existence of the "hairless trait" occurred in our hairy forebears 70,000-120,000 years ago during the last episode of global warming. Goodhart argued that humans are relatively hairless today compared to our ancestors because women who were sexually selected for their "hairless trait" passed it on to both their male and female offspring.
Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA
According to Wiki, "In many cultures, the basic characteristics of masculinity include physical prowess (strength, fitness, and a lack of laziness), courage, wisdom, and honourable or righteous behavior."
According to Merriam Webster, "having qualities appropriate to or usually associated with a man".