Originally Posted by EvilChuck
Why do you care what other people are mourning though!? It doesnt affect you whatsoever how they feel about a situation, but because you think one is more important than the other it seems you think everyone else should feel the same as well. You say you can understand why people would feel differently if they were a fan, but nothing in your post outside of that line indicated that you do actually understand at all. Why can't you just leave people to grieve about what they want to grieve for without belittling their feelings. That attitude is far more pathetic than our culture of caring about celebrities
You're absolutely right, I don't want to dictate how people should grieve. I'm just making an observation and stating my opinion. But I think the difference is, in this case, nobody I know is actually
grieving for Amy Winehouse. They see an opportunity to make some kind of snarky comment (She should have gone to rehab! LOLOL!) and feel that such a waste of energy is a better use of their time than something like "Wow the attacks in Norway are horrendous!"
I guess it's less disgust at how people grieve and more disgust at the nature of Facebook and social networking. To the facebook thread!