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Old 08-02-2011, 04:34 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jul 2009
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Why is it disrespectful to point out the silliness of grieving for Amy Winehouse while ignoring the youths in Norway? Here's the difference in my eyes:

Amy Winehouse: a celebrity who drank/drugged/partied herself to death. I don't know Winehouse personally, and to be honest, I can't much recall anything she ever wrote or did aside from persistently make headlines for being such a mess.

Norwegian teens: a group of people congregating in the name of progress. Like Amy Winehouse, I didn't know them personally, but the fact that they were acting in the interest of their country makes them infinitely more missed (in my eyes) than Winehouse. Furthermore, the youths that died were victims of something our of their control: a murderer fueled by religious hate. On the other hand, Winehouse died because she couldn't ****ing sober up.

I don't give half a **** about Winehouse in comparison to the death in Norway. If you were a big fan of her music, I understand why you would feel differently. And perhaps I'm too quick to judge. But surely, in this case, one group is far more deserving of media attention and our sorrow than the other.
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