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Thread: Carcass
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Old 08-01-2011, 11:26 PM   #8 (permalink)
hip hop bunny hop
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Blast beats are not exclusive to Grindcore; but one could make a very convincing argument that they are essential to the genre. Grindcore bands that don't use blastbeats exist, sure, but they're certainly the exception, not the rule, and when one thinks "Grindcore", blastbeats - and lots of them - certainly comes to mind.

Carcass are great; my major gripe is their songs tend to run a bit long. "Swansong" is a worthless album, but "Heartwork" contains some gems - notably "Death Certificate".


On a personal note, the greatest pleasures Carcass has given me was when I was being wheeled on a gurney to a surgery room, high as **** on morphine, allowing me the perfect setting to growl out nonsense/what-I-could-remember-of-carcass-lyrics. The attending nurses looked at me like I was, well, absurdly high on morphine (which I was).... but the band allowed me to genuinelly enjoy myself on the way to surgery, and for that, they'll always have a place in my collection.
Have mercy on the poor.
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