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Old 07-31-2011, 12:47 AM   #499 (permalink)
Electrophonic Tonic
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In chronological order mostly...

I listened to this album religiously when I was a teenager. I was a late bloomer of sorts when it came to music and really started my musical identity when I was 14. I remember hearing Bohemian Rhapsody on the radio with my dad, and I knew a few of the bigger classic rock songs. I asked him if that was the greatest song of all time. He told me it was Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin. And when we got home, I watched the DVD of this concert, and it all clicked for me. I spent basically a whole year of my life listening to nothing but Led Zeppelin afterwards, and loved every second of it. LZ isn't my favorite band anymore, but they hold a special place in my heart.

Up until this point, my dad had been feeding me my musical tastes. And while I appreciated what he did, it left me musically close minded to nothing but classic rock from 1965-1980. I had the Beatles whole discography at this point, but I didn't really push my musical limits. I bought this CD at Best Buy (of all places!). It was significant to me because it was the music purchase I made without my dad's input and it was from here on, I began making my own musical choices, even still being very close-minded.

My favorite genre is progressive rock, without a doubt. And I borrowed this album from a friend when I was 16 years old. I listened to it the first time... and I hated/loathed/detested/violently disagreed with it. BUT I had a 30 GB iPod and only had 8 gigs of music. So I put it on there to justify the other 30 GB's. I heard 21st Century Schizoid Man on shuffle one day, and loved it, not remembering it's King Crimson. I slowly allowed myself to hear the rest of the album, and low and behold, I loved it. And King Crimson became my favorite band.

I was very influenced by the site, Digitaldreamdoor. I don't remember the list, but I saw three artists (West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band, The United States of America and Soft Machine) and ordered 7 CD between them. This combo CD was my favorite by far. It was the first CD my dad considered unlistenable and thus I realized I was onto something.

Another one of my dad's rules: modern music is bad. The White Stripes helped me get over that unfound fear. This was only 3ish years ago, and it's opened up so many avenues since then for me to discover new music.

Another rule: you can't spell crap without rap. I don't really enjoy this album anymore, thanks to my listening to other, much better rap. But when I first heard it, I did enjoy it. The reliance on classic rock samples made it accessible for me to listen to and again, opened various possibilities to listen to.

The remaining 4 albums are ones I love so much, even if they aren't significant mileposts represent part of my musical evolution/journey....

I would say The Inner Mounting Flame, In a Silent Way and Boom would be just on the outside looking in.
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