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Old 08-23-2005, 07:52 AM   #168 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by IamAlejo
An essay? He wrote one line. That was a newspaper article.

And don't know about the last bubble bursting. That must be a big ass bubble. I doubt we will be out within the next year. But if we are, I'll be happily surprised. I believe we'll get to a next President who rallies behind "getting the troops out of Iraq" and then does so before Bush does it.
em, yeah, i DID put it in quotes and state the source so i dunno how he/she could have thought i wrote all that....
but anyway alejo you concetraded on the wrong part of the article ( again ), the most importaint bit was about iraq being turned into an islamic republic, the ( secondary ) goal of the war was supposed to be turning iraq in to a free democratic country, it becoming an islamic republic is the exact opposite of that......
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