Music Banter - View Single Post - Guitar virtuoso's (Opinions on the World's current guitar giants)
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Old 08-23-2005, 06:20 AM   #8 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 89

Originally Posted by sid
Thanks for your posts Satchmo and boo boo. I seem to have recieved some hostility from the ignorent asses who i mentioned in my post, thanks for the tips as well, ill have to have a listen. The posts before yours are correct, in some ways, glam rock did need to die, but i think theyre also idiots. The music scene in england is really depressing at the moment. I hope to god we can see more of the artists we share the same love for, and new ones, gracing our ears once again.
Thanks again dude

What the ****..Look sid, Glam rock was great, it didn't need to die at all. Glam rock wasn't just about an outrageous stage presence and dress sense, although it was for some bands. Alice Cooper, T-Rex and New York Dolls are three such bands that although glam made great music too, including good use of the guitar, especially in Cooper's case. And I have to agree with those before me, the true greats of guitar are those who have passion, and technique e.g Eric Clapton, hendrix and Santana, not to mention people like Stevie Ray, Steve Vai or Joe Petrucci (Sp??) I will take Cream over any of the artsist you mentioned every day of the week!!
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