Divot's Bar & Grill
It's called "Divots" because there's a golf course across the two-lane back top. Mind, this is a golf course in one of the poorest counties in Missouri, and it too serves beer, and the locals (my neighbors) usually go there to get wildly drunk, tear around in golf carts, and tell obscene jokes that would make Mel Gibson blush.
....but, I lose myself. This bar is located in a single wide trailer, tin roof and all, the pool tables and shuffle board are warped, and all beer costs $1.50 - with selections ranging from Budweiser (high end) to Beer 30 (which is cheaper than Natty), and it has a variety of malt liquor including Camo & this strange **** called "Joose" that turns your vomit the colours of the rainbow.
....so, what's so great about the bars name? The goddamn locals pronounce it "Devo's", and I think that is about as hilarious as it gets.
Have mercy on the poor.