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Old 07-24-2011, 07:39 PM   #10428 (permalink)
I sleep in your hat
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Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt View Post
Absolutely mesmerising. It says a lot when the only criticism of a film has been 'pretentious', anyone who throws that word around when describing films is a bit of a cretin. I'd heard in equal measures unanimous praise and scorn for it. But the praise seemed to carry more weight. To call something visually stunning in this day and age always feels a little trite, to me. Then again, people said Avatar was visually stunning lol. But they were outstanding, I got the feeling I was watching something some what profound. It had its flaws, but they weren't in the direction nor the cinematography. Ahhh, that cinematography. If that doesn't win awards then I don't know what will. One of the best films of the decade thus far. 4/5
I will give credit for the cinematography. There were some beautiful images in the film but I don't know that they had anything to do with the movie. Overall it seemed to me a rather self-indulgent existential purging on behalf of the director. When he went off retracing the history of the universe for what felt like 20 minutes before returning to his somewhat sparse plot line I couldn't help but cringe. In the end it felt like I was watching a three hour perfume commercial. 1/5 from me.
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