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Old 07-23-2011, 12:08 AM   #765 (permalink)
one big soul
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Originally Posted by SoundgardenRocks View Post
Ok, so Dookie is only the real essential from them? When it comes to Punk Pop, most people tell me the essentials are Smash and Dookie. Are there any other albums by Green Day and Offspring that are essential? Do you really think Americana and American Idiot are worth it? Warning? PopPunk by other bands?
If you're still looking for more pop-punk, Dillinger Four are one of the finest. The two albums I'd recommend are Civil War and Situationist Comedy. Civil War isn't quite as aggressive as their other albums but it's still very punk and has the most and best pop hooks of their albums (or any pop punk album I've heard, for that matter.) Situationist Comedy is slightly less catchy in general than Civil War, but the catchy hooks sound amazing when they're played with the greater speed and power.

Teenage Bottlerocket are one of the better "Ramones-core"-type pop-punk bands, and their album, Warning Device, is also some really infectious stuff.
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