it's always nice to see some harsh noise in a 10 song mix

....i can never deny my love for Beastie Boys, Soft machine is also wonderful, great Stones song and i do enjoy Dalek.....the other i never really heard except for Acid Mothers Temple....which for some reason i could never get into except live....nice mix
Death In June - Black Angel (But What Ends When The Symbols Shatter?)
Boris - Les Paul Custom '86 (New Album)
Faust - Thoughts Of The Dead (Something Dirty)
Current 93 - The Dreammoves Of The Sleeping)
David E. Williams - Carmina Melanoma (Hope Springs A Turtle)
Gang Green - Voices Carry (Another Wasted Night)
Der Blutharsch - IV (The Momment Of Truth)
The Cosmic Dead - Eyes In The Mountains (Psychonaut)
The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble - Cotard Delusion (From The Stairwell)
Dernière Volonté - Au travers des lauriers (Devant Le Miroir)