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Old 07-20-2011, 08:59 PM   #4 (permalink)
Metal Connoisseur
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Originally Posted by BastardofYoung View Post
First question.

Finland vs. Sweden.

Both places had some great bands. But overall, which do you like more?
I don't really think of Sweden or Finland as primary places for straight up death metal. The two have hybrids like melodeath, death/doom and folk metal that incorporate chiefly death metal components into their respective sounds. So if those types of hybrid genres count then I'd go with Sweden. Obviously they have the 3 melodeath founders but Katatonia, Opeth, Meshuggah, and Amon Amarth all still put out great records to this day (you'd need to sort through the early releases from Katatonia's catalogue to find the heavier stuff). But you also can't forget the death metal godfathers from Sweden in Entombed, Bathory, and Therion.
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