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Old 07-15-2011, 02:07 AM   #26 (permalink)
Stoned and Jammin' Out
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Originally Posted by Jack Pat View Post

Can you honestly say that having so much exposure to this kind of music in the media is a positive thing?
I feel like an old man at the age of 23 when I say... do you see the kids these days? I've seen stoned children no older than 11 come into my store asking for matches. I'm a stoner and I have a problem with that. Parenting is as bad as ever, media is worse than ever. The Lady Gaga videos where she's butt naked save caution tape or so on would not have been aired 15 years ago. Growing up nowadays, there's relatively no alternative for this generation. It's radio rap, radio pop, radio rock, or dubstep. And as far as all the radio songs, almost especially in the pop department, have gotten doubly more explicit in the last decade, for the sake of shock value and oneupsmanship.

I shake my head at how dumb a lot of these kids are by the time they graduate high school. My generation was smarter. I always felt like I just barely made the cut in the 'good' generation, and mind you, I was envious of my older cousins growing up as teens in the 90s. They really had alternatives to mainstream then.

I seen the 8 year old neighbors' kids dancing out in the driveway to Lady Gaga for an hour, singing along to every word, and I hear the content and see the girl and just shake my head. She will be a slut by high school.

Has anyone taken a look at this generation of kids coming out of the works? They thought my generation was 'unprepared', wait til' they see these kids. Absolutely mindless drones.

Originally Posted by EvilChuck View Post
My take on it is that people need to take responsibility for their own actions, or the actions of their kids if they are young (and therefore a reflection of your parenting anyway). Instead of trying to shelter your kids from this stuff, why not educate them as to why drugs are bad, why violence is bad, why all this stuff you want hip hop to be rid of is bad, and then trust that should the time come when your child is offered drugs, gets into a fight or whatever else they will make the right decision.

In short, why not try and teach your kids right and wrong, and then trust both your child's judgement and your own abilities as a parent.
While absolutely true, can't some artists find better things to rap about I don't know... some time?

Originally Posted by Il Duce View Post
i always thought hip-hop was always irresponsible and self-serving and negative

there's so few of "positive" hip-hop, and those that did make it bad with "positivity" i can count on one hand

That's not how it began, and it only got worse over time. But I bet I could find positive rap albums in every era of hip-hop.

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