Originally Posted by Jack Pat
It's not that simple. In fact, my brother and I were raised the same way and with the same morals, and both of us turned out differently. I'm not going to go into detail, but I can safely say that we differ (sometimes greatly) on our principles and morals. It's like that book The Power of One says... kids aren't a coloring book to where the parents can color in and shape what they want their children to look and act like. While they may take on similarities of their parents, they are still human beings and have individualistic qualities. Not to mention children and adolescents are extremely impressionable at that age -- influenced both by inside factors (i.e. parents) and outside factors (i.e. the media).
Yes, I know that. That part comes along in the later years as kids develop over time they grow into their own individual person and decide whether or not to follow the guidelines of how they were raised. At that point there isn't much a parent can do because they have done a majority of it already. I know you aren't saying that artists should censor themselves but I'm strongly against that.
Originally Posted by Jack Pat
Can you honestly say that having so much exposure to this kind of music in the media is a positive thing?
It all depends on the individual, you can say that about over exposure to any type of media.
That's just like saying if a kid watches too many gory movies he's going to start going on a killing spree to satisfy his desire to see gore.