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Old 07-14-2011, 12:49 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
That's when parents do their job of raising their children with the morals to know what's right and wrong and not to buy into the hype of the media around them.
It's not that simple. In fact, my brother and I were raised the same way and with the same morals, and both of us turned out differently. I'm not going to go into detail, but I can safely say that we differ (sometimes greatly) on our principles and morals. It's like that book The Power of One says... kids aren't a coloring book to where the parents can color in and shape what they want their children to look and act like. While they may take on similarities of their parents, they are still human beings and have individualistic qualities. Not to mention children and adolescents are extremely impressionable at that age -- influenced both by inside factors (i.e. parents) and outside factors (i.e. the media).

Can you honestly say that having so much exposure to this kind of music in the media is a positive thing?

Reading back on all of that, I can see how I sound like I am advocating some sort of control on the media... I am in no way whatsoever for that. I am completely for free speech... even if I find it to be negative. If we were to ever try to censor the media there would be a lot difficulties, and it would make matters very complicated.

This whole discussion reminds me of this (I think both sides make good points):

Again... I am asking if having so much exposure of this kind of music in the media is a positive thing.

Last edited by TockTockTock; 07-14-2011 at 12:55 PM.
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