I just about nearly lost it from the thunder and lightening that just struck and boy does tomatoes taste good. I wish that my earl grey tea would never end and that I could nap this afternoon but dayum there has to be work done stuff it all I don't want to go on living a life of work, wait but I'm not lazy, I just want to keep my gaming going and be something in that line. I know I don't want to make sense I just want to be free and open with everything and praise the Lord. If ever there was a time to eat chocolate, now would be the time but clowns told me not to because I'll get fat and gluttonus with a stupid belly button piercing that you can't see through rolls of fat. It's time for me to move away from sinful food and fill up on cheese. Wait, no vegetables. Wait no, dust. Dust is the way to keep your body slim jims with no smoking but lots of illicit drugs. I want to look like a meth addict who stinks and loses her teeth. I could be a model then and people would admire my cracked out face and sores all over my body. Sexy eh?
"Elph is truly an enfant terrible of the forum, bless and curse him" - Marie, Queen of Thots