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Thread: Best Drummer
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Old 07-05-2011, 03:04 AM   #1025 (permalink)
Stoned and Jammin' Out
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Misread "or" for "on" ... my bad.

I would recommend listening to the Lateralus album, or Wings For Marie/10,000 Days, the song(s).

Great album or not, I feel that Lateralus was them on their A game and 10,000 Days was A- material. I feel Danny and the rest a lot more on tracks like Lateralus, The Grudge, Parabola, etc.


Digital Dream Door ranked the drumming performance by Danny Carey on the song "Ticks & Leeches" number one on their list of 100 Greatest Rock Drum Performances, and ranked the whole album number one on the 100 Greatest Drumming Albums.
And this is a must-see... the last 2 minutes, the outro, to Lateralus...

Here's the bit that I love
:37 seconds, he checks to see his mallet is still sitting there,
:44 seconds, he tucks his right hand stick under his left armpit, grabs the mallet, and smacks the gong behind him, while he keeps the beat and
:45 seconds, he's back...

That's just the cherry on top for me. I love his timing.

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