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Thread: Skrewdriver
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Old 07-04-2011, 09:23 PM   #9 (permalink)
Metal Connoisseur
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Originally Posted by hip hop bunny hop View Post
Perhaps what's most relevant to Skrewdrivers message is their stance against welfare leeches. Once again, Ian was right; the only thing those scumbags do is bleed the nation dry.

So, as the world's largest nation is getting set to kick Obama & the Lefties out, I say let's toast Skrewdriver - may we get a Government that'd make Ian Donaldson proud in 2012.
I'd argue that corporate america are the real welfare leeches. With all the tax breaks and subsidies instituted by YOUR conservative government, millionaire and billionaire CEO's pay less in taxes than their secretaries. This sort of economics is effectively ruining the middle class in this country and if the Bush era tax cuts stay in effect, we can expect this recession to last even longer than it already has.

Furthermore, the more divisive the Tea Party gets within the Republican party, pushing away Eisenhower Republicans and moderate Republicans, the chances of producing a viable candidate to run against Obama decrease more and more.
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