Originally Posted by matious
The album is good, but i still have mixed feelings about it.
Its really cohesive, solid unified sound. But being random and contradictory was something i liked about lil b. The production is really good too-not relying on a glossy pop synth sound which have resulted in B's hits (ellen degeres, wonton soup, i cook) in favor of beats more in line with illusions of grandeur but more soulful, and less indie.
Lil B proves himself as being poignant, with a lot to say, especially on "open thunder eternal slumber", however because of this he has toned himself way down. His humour isn't as obnoxious (you won't here the word swag) and he no longer is touting himself as the "pretty bitch." His off-beat humor and rampant bastardization of rap cliche's (" ****ing ho's face because i have a big chain") is, for the most part, missing.
This is probably a smart move however, distancing himself from Odd Future and Kreayshawn. He also sincerely wants to be a role model it sounds like, strangely enough. It's a refreshing change to hear that considering most rappers get pissed off at the notion.
The album is good, and i think will sway previous haters. However it isn't as fun and wild as i had come to expect, especially following bitch mob.
Does the itunes version list the producers for this?
sadly it doesn't, and yeah, i basically feel the same way. still, there were definitely some parts that were downright beautiful.