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Old 08-19-2005, 07:20 PM   #10 (permalink)
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My Piano/Guitar teacher tells me Sean Lane is really good. Im a huge fan of Buckethead because he's not your standard "plug in and wail" virtuoso. I mean Bermuda Triangle is as schizophrenc as it gets and Colma and Electric Tears are an exersize in simplicity (for a virtuoso).

I still don't know what the question was, but as far as that Randy Rhodes -look-alike goes. I compare him to David Copperfeild. It looks impressive but its meer parlor tricks. I mean maybe he can play two guitars at once, but its not aurally impressive, its just visual games. And sweet God I hate his last name. Please don't ever put "****ING" anywhere near his name unless its followed by words witha negitive connotation.

Theres a reason we hear his garbage on poorly constructed websites.
I've moved to a new address
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