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Old 06-23-2011, 07:19 PM   #338 (permalink)
Nosferatu Man
Music Addict
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 264

Maybe you could make the rules slightly looser and introduce a banter element to it, this is a very rough idea but; any member can private any member of their choosing with an album title and a two line prediction of the persons reaction to the album, can be serious or faux serious and satirical, the person then either listens to the album and posts their own review (in a created thread) OR if they dont want to partake they simply post the persons predicted reaction and under write a quick jokey apology to the forum for being lazy.

this way I think people might get to know other people a little through the forced personal interaction, it could be fun, it is not so terribly extra time consuming. getting to know members on this forum can be tough, i guess I have been posting here for about 3 months and dont really have any personal relationships with people here to note. Don't get me wrong this is not a criticism of anybody here and admittedly I am not the reach out type much. I guess I could be woefully boring but I generally try to explain my opinions in a balanced manner and try to be non confrontational. This might give people a chance to get to know something. Great barometer of the intentions of new people joining if a mod immediatly suggests they review an album so as to start the process, when you have been given somethng to review you have to send something to another member. if you get too many albums piling up we can think of a way to deal with that.

Longwinded boring post..............over!

Oh and on the virgin debacle, no offense but you do seem like the sort of guy who wouldnt be too excited about browsing a record store for a few hours with no intention of buying and I think a lot of people here are of the opposite type
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
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