Originally Posted by djchameleon
I don't want to go into raising a child wank but you've never been spanked ever growing up. Those two go hand in hand, most parents that spank also correct them and let them know what they did wrong and why the spank just comes on the tail end after saying all of that.
dj - First, I'm not familiar with the term "wank". Have I been insulted? lol On a serious note, in my quote, I didn't say "spanked". I do feel a spank is sometimes appropriate (not totally against it as an adult either....). I used the terms "beat" and "beating" because that is more like what happens to the prisoners originally brought up in this thread by bloozcruz. If the prisoners were getting the equivelent of a "spank", I wouldn't have a problem with it. It's just when it crosses the line and becomes abuse/abuse of power that I have a problem.