Originally Posted by richie1
It reminds me of the parent that beats their child for misbehaving instead of correcting them and nurturing them towards the correct behavior.
I don't want to go into raising a child wank but you've never been spanked ever growing up. Those two go hand in hand, most parents that spank also correct them and let them know what they did wrong and why the spank just comes on the tail end after saying all of that.
Originally Posted by richie1
With this mentality, it's no suprise that the percentage of prisoners that go back to prison is so high.
no, it's not the mentality that serves as the reason why prisoners return to prison. It's that american society doesn't give two ****s about prisoners and there aren't many jobs that they can get once getting out.
They still have bills and are still expected to be upstanding citizens but no one wants to hire them and then they go back to the same activity that got them arrested in the first place because they need to survive.
Originally Posted by oojay
Back on topic. From what I've heard, American prisoner have it much better of than those in some other countries. Brutal beatings and torturing seem commonplace in some countries.
you are right! some other countries treat their prisoners way worse than the treatment that American prisoners get except for Norway because they are the perfect country and never do anything wrong.