Originally Posted by The Virgin
also, i don't think it's cops responsibilities to ensure these inmates learn there lessons thru a peaceful manner. learn their lessons, yes. thru peaceful manner, no. i say beat them up, do what's the usual sick things done in prison, and then, they will learn. it's not always for the purpose of learning so they can go out prison with a good, loving nature, no. learn here means if you have the urge to be a rapist/murderer/durg addict again, you betta remember what they did to u in prison. bam!
The Virgin - I think it is really sad if you truly feel this way. It reminds me of the parent that beats their child for misbehaving instead of correcting them and nurturing them towards the correct behavior. Based on your quote, the prisoner would only leave prison angrier and more violent than when they went in. With this mentality, it's no suprise that the percentage of prisoners that go back to prison is so high.