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Thread: Michael Jackson
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Old 06-17-2011, 10:02 PM   #1193 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 937

I never said The Beatles were Gods and I dislike some of the music they did, though I like most of it. I like some of Michael Jackson's music like the Thriller album (which Paul McCartney contributes on btw lol).

And Michael Jackson has released much more than 10 albums, from Wikipedia:
Studio albums 10
Live albums 1
Compilation albums 67
Soundtracks 2
Remix albums 7

The Beatles
Studio albums 27
Live albums 4
Compilation albums 54

If you have a preference for Michael Jackson in this that is your choice and you have a right to that, but sales would suggest most disagree. And the sales of Westlife worldwide are nothing like either The Beatles or Michael Jackson, so I think that is irrelevant.
non-cliquey member of every music forum I participate on
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