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Thread: Black Metal!
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Old 06-12-2011, 04:31 AM   #2 (permalink)
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 22

Peste Noire is really good; French black metal that covers a range of styles over four albums (two of which are essentially jokes, purposefully made to sound bad). I would recommend listening to Ballade ****re lo Anemi Francor, or La Sanie des Siècles - Panégyrique de la Dégénérescence, the first album.

Windir is my favourite black metal artist, and even though he didn't make the low fi, anti Christian, juvenile delinquent type of music you're asking for it's definitely worth a listen. Black metal with folk elements, Norwegian. Any album is good, but I recommend Arntor Ein Windir first.

I was going to include samples, but I seem to need to make a few more posts before I can do so. However search up the title track to Ballad ****re by Peste Noire, and Journy to the End by Windir.
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