Originally Posted by Conan
That reminds me of something else. NOBODY and I mean NOBODY pronounces Tomato "Tommotto". I refuse to believe there are people like that in the world. They use that phrase, "Tomato, Tomotto" when they are trying to express that there are two equally as good ways of doing or saying something. They're full of it. "Tomotto" is clearly an inferior way of saying Tomato. If I met someone who said "Tomotto", my first reaction wouldn't be "It's okay that you say it like that. We're all equals." I would punch them in the face and kick them on the ground until they pronounced it correctly. Then I'd force them to eat a tomato.
Of course, I could be looking at this all wrong. A "Tomotto" could be an entirely different fruit that just happens to look and taste exactly like a Tomato. You know that whole "Is a Tomato a fruit or vegetable" debate? Maybe this is where the confusion comes from. Maybe a Tomato is a fruit and a "Tomotto" is a vegetable.
A tomato
A tomotto
This amused me greatly. I occasionally say 'tomotto' just to irritate my mother, because she thinks I say other words weird. Like pronouncing "vase" as "vahz" when she believes it should be "vays" or pronouncing "pen" as "pehn" (close to "pan" but not quite) instead of "pin".