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Thread: Jennifer Lopez
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Old 06-11-2011, 11:08 AM   #61 (permalink)
Buzz Killjoy
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Originally Posted by djchameleon View Post
what are you talking about!?!?!?!

I don't even like Celine Dion but she's a huge megastar


she hasn't gone a damn place
Headlining vegas, ahhh the start of the casino circuit tours... or as i call it, where musicians go to die. Amzing how bands who were once on top of their game and headlining shows and playing big venues end up playing casinos... b-52's, George Thorogood.. more i know, but cant think of here... have just done the casino thing... though in their defense the money one gets paid for these shows is a ton, so one can see why they do it.. just a shame that some bands who came from the dive bar, work your ass off school have no become the opposite and their roots are forgotten. Sure that doesnt apply to Celine though, I am willing to bet he never even walked into a dive bar in her life, so perhaps that is irrelevant in relation to her.

It is like "Sail Away" from Neil Young: see the losers in the best bars, meet the winners in the dives, where the people are the real stars, all the rest of their lives.

That is true Mr. Young. Don't forget yer roots.

Celine was a megastar, but her career in the mainstream has pretty much died, outside of "My Heart Will Go On" and a few other minor hits, she has never matched it and her career is now more nostalgia based than it is on staying current. Maybe in France or some place she still has a following, but she is basically on the verge of being forgotten.

Most music, and especially pop has this... think of it in the long term and you will know how many of them will be forgotten, as time goes on, Celine Dion will be forgotten, as will Beyonce. They may have a small cult following say 20-30 years from now as trends change and things turn nostaglic. But when people look back at the time she was huge years from now when studying the history of music, she will maybe at best be a foot note in a text book and ignored. Have to look at things that way. Many stars who were at the top of the world who people thought would be around forever have been largely forgotten and interest has been lost... Whitney Houston is an example of this, her career peaked in the 90's, ad has declined ever since, only attention she has gotten has not been for her music in more recent years, but instead for her relationship with Bobby Brown and her drug use. Her offstage life has now overshadowed her musical career and that is what we will remember her for come years later, more so then her music.

Also, i have not heard the new single, she does not interest me enough to do so, and even if it is being praised as some sort of feminist anthem, i imagine it will not be anything more than say "Survivor" from DC, which was just a cliche and laughable song any way you look at it, it is so vague and inflated, it can not be taken seriously for more than the 15 minutes in the spotlight it warrented.

DC will also be in the forgotten as time goes on camp, because it was just not very good in any way, Beyonce was easily the most talented member of that group, looking at the output the others have done, it has not been very good, DC would of been better off being called Beyonce +2 or Beyonce +3 depending on what version you are discussing.

Pop music is largely done though, the peak of the style happened probably before 90% of the people on this board could even walk.

‎"I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people." - Jack Handey.
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