The MB Member's Original Song Contest #1
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06-11-2011, 05:38 AM
Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra
\/ GOD
Join Date: May 2010
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In regaurds to our fallen compadre this ones for you Dirty
Music Banter Blues by Bloozswagger on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
Since some are having trouble making out what im saying as a result of a lil to much echo effect and Texas twang im posting below.
..."The banned from music banter blues"..."the band from music banter blues"..."You piss off the mods you lose"...
Lyrics have been copyrighted so dont even think about it
I couldn't understand a word of it but I LOVE IT!
Terence Hill, as recently confirmed during an interview to an Italian TV talk-show, was offered the role but rejected it because he considered it "too violent". Dustin Hoffman and John Travolta declined the role for the same reason. When Al Pacino was considered for the role of John Rambo, he turned it down when his request that Rambo be more of a madman was rejected.
Al Pacino = God
Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra
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