Here are the 10 songs I've been really enjoying recently.
10. Earl Sweatshirt - Earl (The opening line to this song is one of my favorite opening lines in rap, no wait, it's actually my favorite)
9. Hop Along - Bruno Is Orange (I almost saw her last Saturday, but decided against it last minute...I wish I had seen that show because I love her voice and I love the album this is on.)
8. One Night Stand In North Dakota - Heterosexuality Is A Construct (It's just a really powerful song, you can tell that they both are very passionate and legitimately angry throughout the entire song, it has great lyrics)
7. Bon Iver - Perth (I've absolutely love his self titled, every song is gorgeous, even that very 80s schmaltzy style final track is enjoyable to listen to after a few listens
6. Into It. Over It. - Wicker Park (Along with Laura Stevenson and the Cans, I think I would have to say Evan Thomas Weiss' project has been my absolute favorite thing to listen to lately. It isn't so much for individual songs, but all his songs work so well, this is off his brilliant split with Koji.)
5. The New and Very Welcome - This Changes Everything (Her songs are so beautiful, so sad but so well written, it's like listening to a personal diary/journal. Very intimate, This Changes Everything has become one of my favorite albums in the past few months)
4. Young Mountain - PC Doesn't Stand For Personal Computer Anymore (It's pretty much a very liberal punk song, but I love the lyrics, the sample in the beginning and it's so short you can just listen to it about 5 times in a row and not get tired of it.)
3. Childish Gambino - Freaks and Geeks (I didn't expect to love this, but I heard EP and was really impressed, the lyrics here are very clever and with this EP I started seeing this as a legitimate project, not just "comedian Donald Glover's side thing")
2. For The Kid In The Back - Every Girl Is The End Of The World For Me (I think this guy needs a lot more recognition, this song is something I can relate to so much and over the past few months it has come to mean a lot to me)
1. Laura Stevenson and the Cans - The Wait (Master of Art used to be my favorite song off their brilliant Sit. Resist. But then I heard this song, and I fell in love, I just love the lyrics, her voice, the chorus, everything. It's my favorite song of 2011 by far.
Charlemagne had eyes like a lover, but last winter there was weather and his eyes they iced right over.