Originally Posted by Freebase Dali
I think that would depend... unless a particular piece of gear has a very distinct and obvious characteristic, it'd be pretty hard to pull that off. On top of that, you'd probably have to be pretty familiar with the particular gear as well.
Personally, I use a ton of different compressor plugins for different things, and even the best of them don't really have a distinguishable characteristic in terms of native sound, not to mention being able to hear it in the mix. Compression techniques, on the other hand, are a different story. For instance, it's very easy to spot when an engineer side-chain compresses heavily, using a kick drum as a trigger. And that happens to be a very popular technique in Electronic music.
Some microphones have very distinct characteristics that people can recognize, but usually they're people who have extensive experience with those mics. I guess the same could be true about preamps and such, but I doubt your average listener is going to have any luck pinpointing which they are.
Again, I think you'll have better luck spotting production techniques across genres than spotting equipment used, but I'm sure you can find resources around the web and track down gear-specific stuff. One way might be to find out who produces an artist's albums, who mixes them, masters them, etc... and see if you can find who they work for and maybe check out their website and see the gear yourself. Just an idea.
Wow, thanks!
So in your opinion, would an organized network that set out to collect the detailed data I am speaking of, have a market to sell this as a finished product?
Like a network that recording studios/engineers/producers would join and submit detailed data to be accessed by licensed/regonized stuidos in the network for a fee.
I can understand what you are saying, but calling and viewing each specific artist/studio would be quite an effort. Ive contacted a few artists and labels.(My Starving Lion and After Eight) got back to me as they are fairly new and still accessible. The others, i'm still waiting on. All my questions were answered actually by After Eight and its recording engineer. But afterwards, I looked down my list of current studios/artist to contact and I nearly passed out.
They of course offered insight on what other artist "like them" are "possibly" using to their best guess but you cant do anything official off of "possibly".
Do you know of any industry pro's that would join/help with a project like this?