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Thread: Lady Gaga
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Old 06-08-2011, 03:41 PM   #2320 (permalink)
Ska Lagos Jew Sun Ra
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Originally Posted by Standbyking View Post
It seems like the exceptional thing she's got going for her is her song writing, I heard through the grape vine that she writes the lyrics herself. idk I don't like em much myself but the words in her songs do have a undeniable relatability for the masses, escpecially with women.
Yes... she's a true poet of this century:

Caught in a bad romance

Want your bad romance

Want your bad romance
Mum mum mum mah
Mum mum mum mah

I wanna hold em' like they do in Texas Plays
Fold em' let em' hit me raise it baby stay with me
(I love it)
Love game intuition play the cards with Spades to start
And after he's been hooked I'll play the one that's on his heart
Don't be a drag -Just be a queen [x3]
Don't be!
...Shakespeare, eat your heart out. I mean, Gaga is like the chairlady of women's rights. I'm sure Susanne B. Anthony is mighty proud of semi-racist blowjob puns being spewn out to her mouth while writhing around in fake pig entrails.
Terence Hill, as recently confirmed during an interview to an Italian TV talk-show, was offered the role but rejected it because he considered it "too violent". Dustin Hoffman and John Travolta declined the role for the same reason. When Al Pacino was considered for the role of John Rambo, he turned it down when his request that Rambo be more of a madman was rejected.
Al Pacino = God
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